Mary’s Articles, Publications & Interviews
Mary has published hundreds of articles, blog posts, and three major books. Many of these publications are available online with a simple Google search, but the selection of content below gives you some examples.

Managing Inter@ctively
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Based on interviews with 85 executives from communication savvy companies like General Electric, Microsoft, IBM, and Johnson & Johnson, Managing Inter@ctively helps you discover how to improve your "collaboration quotient," and strategy execution by connecting, informing, and engaging stakeholders.
"Finally! A book about the new requirements for communicating effectively in the New Economy. Our interactive world requires you to manage interactively and Mary Boone shows how."
-- Don Tapscott, co-author, Wikinomics

Leadership and the Computer
Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1993, 1991. Identified by Fortune Magazine as a seminal book in the Knowledge Management arena, Leadership and the Computer tells stories of 16 CEOs, presidents, and chairmen who were pioneers in using computers to help them attain their leadership goals and expand their creative abilities.
"No other book presents so many compelling, practical cases of those who have seized the information initiative. Jargon and obscure theory are delightfully absent. Regardless of the business you are in, you will find practical examples of immediate value." -- Tom Peters, co-author of In Search of Excellence and A Passion for Excellence
"Each profile is a valuable example of how computers can be used to advance a management plan or vision...Noncomputing executives as well as advanced button-pushers are likely to find it interesting." -- Peter H. Lewis, The New York Times

The Information Edge
With N. Dean Meyer. Homewood, Illinois: Business One-Irwin, 1989; New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. One of the first books to provide a comprehensive compilation of evidence to support the notion of the strategic value of computers. This book includes over 60 case studies where the authors quantify the so-called "intangible" benefits of computers. Original, practical methods for finding high-payoff applications and measuring the benefits of computers are fully delineated.
"...An important first step in giving managers a framework to evaluate the value of information technologies...This book is especially useful for people who sense the importance of the technology but are unable to articulate those feelings..." -- The Washington Post